beach volleyball with Philadelphia skyline

The Philly
Beach Fund

Philadelphia is a passionate sports town with a variety of recreation options. We'd like to build on our enthusiasm for outdoor recreation by adding beach volleyball to the mix.

Donate now:

Donation Goal

$ 23,768 / $100,000

Optix Yellow Volleyball
Optix Yellow Volleyball

Our current goal is $100,000 to build 2 beach courts.

Did you know that Philadelphia has no public beach Volleyball Courts?

Public beach volleyball courts are open to the public for all to enjoy in many other cities such as, New York, Washington D.C, Chicago, Baltimore, Houston, Chicago, Seattle, and many others.

Help us add Philadelphia to this list!

What is the Philly Beach Fund?

As part of our mission to expand volleyball in Philadelphia, and provide new opportunities for people to play, we’re working to build public beach volleyball courts. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to build 2 high-quality beach volleyball courts that will last for years to come. This funding will cover the cost of the construction materials, labor, and other necessary expenses.

We’ve done a lot of work already, including securing a land, planning, and getting renderings done.

Currently we’re planning to build the courts in the Philadelphia Park system.

How to Donate

  • Donate through Venmo
  • Donate through Cashapp
  • Come to one of our fundraiser tournaments

What’s next?

Now we need your help to make this project a reality.

Your donation, no matter how big or small, will help make a difference in our community. By contributing to this project, you will be helping to create a space for people to come together and enjoy a fun and healthy activity. Your generosity will make a lasting impact on the community and will help to promote healthy living and social interaction.

Donating is easy, and every dollar counts. You can make a donation through venmo or by sending a check directly to our organization. We also welcome any corporate sponsorships or partnerships.

Right now, we’re running fundraiser tournaments to help raise the money.

Thank you for your support in bringing beach volleyball courts to Philadelphia. Let's make this project a reality and provide a fun and healthy activity for everyone to enjoy.

To learn more:

Send any questions to our Project Director — Omar Rosa at