Tournament Details
Join us for two days of fun and competition in Philadelphia. This tournament is part of our summer series and we'll be grilling and selling snacks to raise money for the Philly Beach Fund.
Saturday: Men's doubles + Women's Doubles
Sunday: Coed's doubles + Gender-Blind Quads
Doubles will have available divisions from B to AA
Quads will have available divisions from B to A
If there are not enough teams to fill divisions, we may combine different levels. Prizes will be based on the highest of the combined levels.
We will be using sideout scoring. If pool play is not finished by 3pm, scoring will switch to rally for the rest of pool play.
Prizes to be announced
Other details
• 8:30 check-in, 9:00 start
• Tournament shirts and other Philly Volleyball Merch shirts available for purchase while supplies last
• No special "start-time" accommodations
• You can register for both days, even if OpenSports warns you that you are already registered
• Your teammate must sign the waiver by joining your team on opensports; help is available if this proves difficult
• We will be grilling for donations to the Philly Beach fund